Would you like to make money by selling products online? If so,do you already have a collection of products to sell? If not, do you have the money needed to obtain them? If you are like many others, who want to make money online, there is a good chance that you do not have the funds needed. After all, if you did, you likely would not be looking for ways to make money online. While you might automatically assume that it is impossible for you to make money online, especially if you don’thave any products to sell, it isn’t.
There is good news. That good news is that you can make money, a substantial amount of money, even if you don’t actually have a product to sell. As it was stated above, there are a large number of individuals
who want to make money online; however, many think that it is impossible to do because they don’t already have a collection of products or they don’t have the money needed to make the purchases. Unfortunately, when this occurs, a large number of individuals just give up. You are advised against doing this. As previously mentioned, it is possible to make money online,even if you don’t have any products to sell. You can do so with affiliate programs.
Affiliate programs are programs that create a partnership with business owners and webmasters. If you are already a webmaster his is great, but if not you can easily become one. As you ikely already know, a webmaster is an individual who owns and operates their own online website. Once you have a website and
you find another business, which is running an affiliate program, you can enter into a partnership with them. This partnership is unique because you can both benefit from it.
Affiliate programs work to help business owners increase theirsales, but they also help webmasters generate extra income.
Although affiliate programs sound nice, you may be looking for more information. After all, with internet scams at an all time high, you can never be too cautious. While some affiliate programs are operated in different ways, they tend to be operated in similar matters. This matter involves the business owner creating links or banners for webmasters, just like you, to display on their website. Special tracking software, which
is often referred to as affiliate tracking software, is used.
That software will enable a business owner to determine exactly when you helped them generate a sale and how much that sale was. This sale will, in turn, generate additional income for you by way of commissions. The amount of money that you make will all depend on the affiliate program that you choose to join, but
your commission is often a percentage of your sale. In some instances, can also be a flat rate amount.
When it comes to affiliate programs, one of the questions most commonly asked is “why?” As previously mentioned, affiliate programs allow you to make money selling a product that isn’t even yours. This means that you do not have to deal with any inventory. You also don’t have to ship any products to the buyers. In fact, you shouldn’t even have to communicate with your customers. Your affiliate partner, the one who is selling the product, will do all of the work for you. What could be easier than that?
If you are interested in making money online, without having to have your own products to sell, you are urged to further examine affiliate programs, namely the programs that are available for you to join. You can find these programs by examining large affiliate hosting programs, such as LinkShare. You can also find affiliate programs to join by examining the online websites of various online retail stores. Typically towards the bottom of the main homepage, a business will outline whether or not they have an affiliate program that you can apply to. If you are really looking to make money online, you are urged to find a product, a service, or a company that you can fully stand behind, one hundred percent.
Isn’t it amazing that you can make money selling products, without having to handle your own inventory? The quicker you ign for an affiliate program, the quicker you can start making money!
The Maverick Money Makers is one of the best programs and offers an excellent affiliate program where you can earn residule income that grows and also teaches litlle know secrets in the industry to help get you off to a fast start. Visit the official Maverick Money Makers website here
Strategic Ways To Expand And Monetize Your Internet Business As Well As Recommending The Most Effective Products.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Visitor Satisfaction
It’s oftentimes a difficult balance for web site owners. How do you please both visitors and search engines? Well, it’s not easy, but if you follow certain steps, it isn’t that difficult, either.
So which is more important, to please the visitors or the search engine spiders? The unequivocal answer is to please the visitors. What good is a site that attracts spiders but not actual people? And what good is a site that only attracts some visitors but not search engine spiders? In this post we will go over writing content that interests and pleases both your readers and the spiders.
So how do I write content that pleases a visitor?
First, stick to writing content that is relevant to your site.That means that if your site is about Rock music, you should not have any content about dogs, as that only makes your site look bad and repels visitors.
Second, write content in an easy to understand, conversational format. Do not use big, fancy words just for the sake of looking smart or pleasing search engine bots. I can’t count the number of times I’ve visited a site with content that is so hard to comprehend that I do not wish to ever come back to that site again. You want to make a good first impression on anyone who takes the time to look at your site, so make sure your content is easy to understand.
Third, never ever write content that is long, dull, and boring. If the point you are trying to get across can be said more concisely in 500 words, than why waste another 300 words droning on and on about the topic? This is a huge turnoff to potential visitors.
Fourth, make sure that all of your content is grammatically correct. I know, this is hard because we live in the instant messenger world, where sentences like “how r u?”, are thought to be acceptable. However, anyone who is well-educated will appreciate good grammar. Make your site shine in this department.
Fifth, don’t overuse keywords and keyword phrases. In other words, don’t make it blatantly obvious to the reader that you are trying to attract search engine spiders to your site. Make an effort to make sure that your keywords and keyword phrases flow into the content of the article. This is easier said than done, but can be accomplished with a little fine tuning.
But what about search engine spiders? How do I please them?
Search engine spiders are actually very easy to please, mucheasier than actual human beings. This is because search engine spiders aren’t subjective—they don’t care what the subject is about; they just care about the number keywords and keyword phrases.
The only way you can possibly displease a search engine spider is by overusing a keyword/keyword phrase and making your site smell like spam. Search engine spiders are now more advanced than ever, and so they are better able to ignore sites that are full of spam. Too many keywords or keyword phrases that are
blatantly there will hinder your site from being crawled by spiders.
As is mentioned in another of our newsletters, a keyword density of 1-3% is generally considered to be good. Any less than 1% is bad and will make it harder for your site to get listed on search engines; any more than 4% makes your site look like spam. If you haven’t checked out my other post, keyword density
is basically the number of keywords or keyword phrases in a piece of content divided by the total number of words.
Writing content that is good for both people and search engines is an absolute essential to making your site a
powerhouse. So follow the rules above and you will be able to write excellent, pleasing content!
So which is more important, to please the visitors or the search engine spiders? The unequivocal answer is to please the visitors. What good is a site that attracts spiders but not actual people? And what good is a site that only attracts some visitors but not search engine spiders? In this post we will go over writing content that interests and pleases both your readers and the spiders.
So how do I write content that pleases a visitor?
First, stick to writing content that is relevant to your site.That means that if your site is about Rock music, you should not have any content about dogs, as that only makes your site look bad and repels visitors.
Second, write content in an easy to understand, conversational format. Do not use big, fancy words just for the sake of looking smart or pleasing search engine bots. I can’t count the number of times I’ve visited a site with content that is so hard to comprehend that I do not wish to ever come back to that site again. You want to make a good first impression on anyone who takes the time to look at your site, so make sure your content is easy to understand.
Third, never ever write content that is long, dull, and boring. If the point you are trying to get across can be said more concisely in 500 words, than why waste another 300 words droning on and on about the topic? This is a huge turnoff to potential visitors.
Fourth, make sure that all of your content is grammatically correct. I know, this is hard because we live in the instant messenger world, where sentences like “how r u?”, are thought to be acceptable. However, anyone who is well-educated will appreciate good grammar. Make your site shine in this department.
Fifth, don’t overuse keywords and keyword phrases. In other words, don’t make it blatantly obvious to the reader that you are trying to attract search engine spiders to your site. Make an effort to make sure that your keywords and keyword phrases flow into the content of the article. This is easier said than done, but can be accomplished with a little fine tuning.
But what about search engine spiders? How do I please them?
Search engine spiders are actually very easy to please, mucheasier than actual human beings. This is because search engine spiders aren’t subjective—they don’t care what the subject is about; they just care about the number keywords and keyword phrases.
The only way you can possibly displease a search engine spider is by overusing a keyword/keyword phrase and making your site smell like spam. Search engine spiders are now more advanced than ever, and so they are better able to ignore sites that are full of spam. Too many keywords or keyword phrases that are
blatantly there will hinder your site from being crawled by spiders.
As is mentioned in another of our newsletters, a keyword density of 1-3% is generally considered to be good. Any less than 1% is bad and will make it harder for your site to get listed on search engines; any more than 4% makes your site look like spam. If you haven’t checked out my other post, keyword density
is basically the number of keywords or keyword phrases in a piece of content divided by the total number of words.
Writing content that is good for both people and search engines is an absolute essential to making your site a
powerhouse. So follow the rules above and you will be able to write excellent, pleasing content!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
How To Travel In Style With WorldVentures Dreamtrips
How To Travel In Style For Less Do you wish you could travel more but don’t have the time or the money? Do you ever wish there was an easier way to book travel? Do you secretly wish you could get wholesale prices on all inclusive 5 star vacations or may be even travel for free?
If you answered yes to these questions, then read on. You have probably heard of Sam’a Club and Costco right? So you are familiar with the concept of buying in bulk. There are many wholesale clubs that exist today in many different industries, such as food, perfume, jewelry and more. Now you can have access to a travel club that is exclusively for members. This travel membership club allows is members to enjoy and experience only the most luxurious all inclusive, top of the line vacations that only the elite few have been able to experience until now.
Many members of this club even travel for free. Yes I said free! How is this so? In today’s world, how do people travel in style for free? Believe me it’s being done several time a month for free. Some members have so many vacation points built up that they are actually forced to go on vacation! These vacation destinations are to some of the most exotic places, such as Egypt, Paris, Thailand, Nueveo Vallarta, Cyprus, Waikiki Hawaii, Ixtapa Mexico, Bali Indonesia, Malacca Malaysia the Western Caribbean and so many more.
Not only do these members enjoy exotic vacation destinations at below wholesale prices or free, they also enjoy traveling throughout the U.S. enjoying such vacations in style such as an all inclusive golf trip or a cruise for 49.00. But don’t tell the others passengers you meet how little you paid because they might get a little upset! When I say these members travel in style, meaning all meals are included, they stay in the best hotels, condos, villas, and have their entertainment included. It’s fabulous. Rovia travel search engine allows you to sign up free for a preferred member status.
You can do this here…
Go To The Number Travel Search Engine Here
If you want to get these insider secrets that only an elite few are privy to, go here to learn more.
Go Here To Learn More About World Ventures Dreamtrips
All Inclusive Trips Here
Watch Dreamtrips Video Here
If you answered yes to these questions, then read on. You have probably heard of Sam’a Club and Costco right? So you are familiar with the concept of buying in bulk. There are many wholesale clubs that exist today in many different industries, such as food, perfume, jewelry and more. Now you can have access to a travel club that is exclusively for members. This travel membership club allows is members to enjoy and experience only the most luxurious all inclusive, top of the line vacations that only the elite few have been able to experience until now.
Many members of this club even travel for free. Yes I said free! How is this so? In today’s world, how do people travel in style for free? Believe me it’s being done several time a month for free. Some members have so many vacation points built up that they are actually forced to go on vacation! These vacation destinations are to some of the most exotic places, such as Egypt, Paris, Thailand, Nueveo Vallarta, Cyprus, Waikiki Hawaii, Ixtapa Mexico, Bali Indonesia, Malacca Malaysia the Western Caribbean and so many more.
Not only do these members enjoy exotic vacation destinations at below wholesale prices or free, they also enjoy traveling throughout the U.S. enjoying such vacations in style such as an all inclusive golf trip or a cruise for 49.00. But don’t tell the others passengers you meet how little you paid because they might get a little upset! When I say these members travel in style, meaning all meals are included, they stay in the best hotels, condos, villas, and have their entertainment included. It’s fabulous. Rovia travel search engine allows you to sign up free for a preferred member status.
You can do this here…
Go To The Number Travel Search Engine Here
If you want to get these insider secrets that only an elite few are privy to, go here to learn more.
Go Here To Learn More About World Ventures Dreamtrips
All Inclusive Trips Here
Watch Dreamtrips Video Here
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Increase Traffic To Your Blog
Is your blog collecting dust and not getting enough traffic?It's a common problem for bloggers. Their blogs are good, but no one is coming to visit. They want to know how to increase traffic. Increasing traffic is actually easier than it seems--provided you know how. In this newsletter, we will go over 7 specific methods of increasing traffic. These are guaranteed methods to draw more visitors to your blog.
Tip #1: Sign up for pinging services
It seems pretty obvious, but most bloggers, even those who are more experienced, don’t sign up for pinging services. If you’re new to blogging and don’t know what pinging means, pinging basically means that when your blog is updated, a “ping” is sent out by the service to let pinging sites know that your blog has
been updated. People who are visiting sites with pinging services will then see your blog flash across the side of the screen as “newly updated”. Pinging services include Yahoo’s blo.gs, weblogs.com, Google Blog search, and ZingFast.
Tip #2: Sign up for Technorati
If you go to technorati.com, you’ll see an option on the left side of the screen to “Claim Your Blog”. Doing so allows you to get updated link counts, add your photo or branding to Technorati, and see your Technorati link. Having your blog claimed on Technorati helps to increase traffic because the millions of people who go to that site will have a chance to see your blog on there.
Tip #3: Sign up for FeedBurner, a RSS service
What FeedBurner basically does for your blog is it helps you to promote your blog’s content, build your audience and measure your audience. In other words, it helps you increase your blog’s traffic.
Tip #4: Bookmark your blogs at places like del.icio.us
You can set up an account and profile at del.icio.us. Then, using that, you can add links to your blog along with excerpts from your blog. Anytime someone visits your profile on del.icio.us, they will see a link to your blog and excerpts. There are other social bookmarking sites that you can use in much the same way. The bottom line is, using these social bookmarking sites can help you increase traffic.
Tip #5: Post comments at other blogs
No, this doesn’t mean you should go and spam other blogs with comments that are only there to promote a site. It means that you should visit similar blogs to your own, post legitimate comments and then sign your name(along with a link to your blog). This way, people know you aren’t there just to promote your site—you’re there to post a good piece of feedback and also say where you’re from.
Tip #6: Ask owners of other blogs to post a link to yours
Find other blogs that are similar to yours. If they seem to be decently popular(that is, they have a good amount of comments for each post), you can try to contact the owner of the blog to add a link to your blog if they have a links section. To make them really want to do this, you can offer to link back to their blog on your blog. People do this reciprocal blog linking all the time and it does help to increase traffic.
Tip #7: Use keywords in your blog
Like regular web pages, having a good keyword density on a blog is a terrific way of getting search engine spiders to notice your page. (FYI: Search engine spiders are programs from search engines that browse sites and report back their findings to the search engine database, which then lists that site. The more keywords on your site, the more likely it is for a search engine spider to pay a visit)
If your average blog posting is around 200 words, try to use 2-6 keywords per blog post. 2-6 keywords in a blog posting of 200 words is a keyword density of between 1 and 3 percent, a respectablnumber.Remember that you don’t want to use too many keywords, as that will make your blog look bad. Also be sure
that the keywords used are relevant to your blog. Before even making a blog posting, decide what the post will be about and then select a keyword or two to use in your post. Then do it. It’s a surefire way of getting more traffic to your site!
Tip #1: Sign up for pinging services
It seems pretty obvious, but most bloggers, even those who are more experienced, don’t sign up for pinging services. If you’re new to blogging and don’t know what pinging means, pinging basically means that when your blog is updated, a “ping” is sent out by the service to let pinging sites know that your blog has
been updated. People who are visiting sites with pinging services will then see your blog flash across the side of the screen as “newly updated”. Pinging services include Yahoo’s blo.gs, weblogs.com, Google Blog search, and ZingFast.
Tip #2: Sign up for Technorati
If you go to technorati.com, you’ll see an option on the left side of the screen to “Claim Your Blog”. Doing so allows you to get updated link counts, add your photo or branding to Technorati, and see your Technorati link. Having your blog claimed on Technorati helps to increase traffic because the millions of people who go to that site will have a chance to see your blog on there.
Tip #3: Sign up for FeedBurner, a RSS service
What FeedBurner basically does for your blog is it helps you to promote your blog’s content, build your audience and measure your audience. In other words, it helps you increase your blog’s traffic.
Tip #4: Bookmark your blogs at places like del.icio.us
You can set up an account and profile at del.icio.us. Then, using that, you can add links to your blog along with excerpts from your blog. Anytime someone visits your profile on del.icio.us, they will see a link to your blog and excerpts. There are other social bookmarking sites that you can use in much the same way. The bottom line is, using these social bookmarking sites can help you increase traffic.
Tip #5: Post comments at other blogs
No, this doesn’t mean you should go and spam other blogs with comments that are only there to promote a site. It means that you should visit similar blogs to your own, post legitimate comments and then sign your name(along with a link to your blog). This way, people know you aren’t there just to promote your site—you’re there to post a good piece of feedback and also say where you’re from.
Tip #6: Ask owners of other blogs to post a link to yours
Find other blogs that are similar to yours. If they seem to be decently popular(that is, they have a good amount of comments for each post), you can try to contact the owner of the blog to add a link to your blog if they have a links section. To make them really want to do this, you can offer to link back to their blog on your blog. People do this reciprocal blog linking all the time and it does help to increase traffic.
Tip #7: Use keywords in your blog
Like regular web pages, having a good keyword density on a blog is a terrific way of getting search engine spiders to notice your page. (FYI: Search engine spiders are programs from search engines that browse sites and report back their findings to the search engine database, which then lists that site. The more keywords on your site, the more likely it is for a search engine spider to pay a visit)
If your average blog posting is around 200 words, try to use 2-6 keywords per blog post. 2-6 keywords in a blog posting of 200 words is a keyword density of between 1 and 3 percent, a respectablnumber.Remember that you don’t want to use too many keywords, as that will make your blog look bad. Also be sure
that the keywords used are relevant to your blog. Before even making a blog posting, decide what the post will be about and then select a keyword or two to use in your post. Then do it. It’s a surefire way of getting more traffic to your site!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Increase Affiliate Sales
To make money with affiliate programs, you must be able to sell a product. With internet scams at an all time high, there are many consumers who are a little bit leery of buying a new product. That is why you should consider testing the products that you will be selling first. The testing of products is a great way to ensure that
you are promoting a worthwhile product. Although testing is good enough, you might want to take it
a step further. You may want to think about writing product reviews or at least recommendations.
When it comes to writing affiliate program product reviews or recommendations, ones of the most common questions asked is “why?” There are a large number of program participants who feel that it is just a waste of time. In reality, it isn’t. In fact, it could be the best use of your time. Product reviews and recommendations give consumers an idea as to what they are purchasing. In today’s society, a large number of consumers
read product reviews before making a purchase, especially a large one. It is also important to note trust. Giving consumers insight into a product that you help sell allows them to develop a working relationship with you, even if it is just in their minds. In a way, a sense of trust is created; trust that could work to your
f this is your first time writing a product recommendation or a product review, you may be wondering what you should write. In all honesty, you are advised to take a consumer standpoint. If you were researching a product online, what you would like to know about that product? Taking this approach will help to ensure that your product reviews and recommendations are actually useful to those who read them. Items that you should include in a product review should include an overview of the product in question, the price that it is being sold for, what it can be used for, and the benefits of buying it.
When it comes to writing product reviews or recommendations, there are many individuals who
take different approaches. In all honestly, you can take any approach that you would like. Essentially, this means that you can format your review or recommendation any way that you would like to. Despite having the freedom to choose your own format, you may want to consider using the sample outlined below as a guide. This sample uses a work at home e-book as the product in question.
To Those Who Want to Work From Home, Are you one of the millions of Americans who you
would like to work from home? If you are, you are definitely not alone. Finding a legitimate work at home opportunity can seem like a long and complicated task, but it doesn’t have to be. The “Learn How You Can Work from Home,” e-book has all the information that you will need.
Available for the low-price of $10, you can easily learn how to work at home. Hundreds of work at home opportunities are outlined. Familiarize yourself with each opportunity, learn what equipment or training is needed, as well as how much you can make. With the “Learn How You Can Work from Home,” e-book, you are sure to find the work at home opportunity of your dreams.
As it was mentioned above, the above mentioned sample is just one of the many ways that you can write a product review or recommendation. Once you have finished your review, you will want to put it to good use. Consider having it displayed on your webpage, submit the review to top article directories, or even use it as newsletter content. In all honesty, it doesn’t really matter how you choose to distribute your review or recommendations, as long as you do. In fact, once your product review or recommendation is in circulation, you may start seeing results right away!
Writing product reviews or recommendations will not take long, but you can benefit immensely from
them. Whether you are in an affiliate program now or you are about to join one, you are urged to write a review or recommendations of the product that you are selling. In the end, you may be surprised with the results.
you are promoting a worthwhile product. Although testing is good enough, you might want to take it
a step further. You may want to think about writing product reviews or at least recommendations.
When it comes to writing affiliate program product reviews or recommendations, ones of the most common questions asked is “why?” There are a large number of program participants who feel that it is just a waste of time. In reality, it isn’t. In fact, it could be the best use of your time. Product reviews and recommendations give consumers an idea as to what they are purchasing. In today’s society, a large number of consumers
read product reviews before making a purchase, especially a large one. It is also important to note trust. Giving consumers insight into a product that you help sell allows them to develop a working relationship with you, even if it is just in their minds. In a way, a sense of trust is created; trust that could work to your
f this is your first time writing a product recommendation or a product review, you may be wondering what you should write. In all honesty, you are advised to take a consumer standpoint. If you were researching a product online, what you would like to know about that product? Taking this approach will help to ensure that your product reviews and recommendations are actually useful to those who read them. Items that you should include in a product review should include an overview of the product in question, the price that it is being sold for, what it can be used for, and the benefits of buying it.
When it comes to writing product reviews or recommendations, there are many individuals who
take different approaches. In all honestly, you can take any approach that you would like. Essentially, this means that you can format your review or recommendation any way that you would like to. Despite having the freedom to choose your own format, you may want to consider using the sample outlined below as a guide. This sample uses a work at home e-book as the product in question.
To Those Who Want to Work From Home, Are you one of the millions of Americans who you
would like to work from home? If you are, you are definitely not alone. Finding a legitimate work at home opportunity can seem like a long and complicated task, but it doesn’t have to be. The “Learn How You Can Work from Home,” e-book has all the information that you will need.
Available for the low-price of $10, you can easily learn how to work at home. Hundreds of work at home opportunities are outlined. Familiarize yourself with each opportunity, learn what equipment or training is needed, as well as how much you can make. With the “Learn How You Can Work from Home,” e-book, you are sure to find the work at home opportunity of your dreams.
As it was mentioned above, the above mentioned sample is just one of the many ways that you can write a product review or recommendation. Once you have finished your review, you will want to put it to good use. Consider having it displayed on your webpage, submit the review to top article directories, or even use it as newsletter content. In all honesty, it doesn’t really matter how you choose to distribute your review or recommendations, as long as you do. In fact, once your product review or recommendation is in circulation, you may start seeing results right away!
Writing product reviews or recommendations will not take long, but you can benefit immensely from
them. Whether you are in an affiliate program now or you are about to join one, you are urged to write a review or recommendations of the product that you are selling. In the end, you may be surprised with the results.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Effective Email Marketing Campaigns
How To Create Effective Email Marketing Campaigns
Are you interested in using email marketing to enhance the traffic and sales of your website? It can be a confusing process if you don’t know where to start. You will need to establish your goals before you send the first email. What are you hoping to accomplish? Make sure these goals are clear and realistic. This will help you measure the success of the email marketing campaign. This is a great way to learn what works and what doesn’t for future email marketing campaigns. While your particular goals will vary, some common ones include increasing sales, getting more traffic to the website; improve awareness of about your company and what products or services you offer, and building a solid relationship with your customers.
As you start measuring the success of your email marketing campaign, make sure you are comparing the data only against your own information not that of the industry. For example did your sales increase by 10% and traffic to your site increase by 25% after your email marketing campaign rather than discovering the
rate that sales and traffic increased for the entire industry you are in.
Don’t be discouraged if your first email marketing campaign doesn’t do as well as you hoped, especially if you are a new business. It takes time to build trust with consumers. Make sure you use your original email address when you send out the emails. This will help it get past the spam filters.
Make sure you take the time to update your email listings. Remove any requests to opt out quickly and efficiently to respect the consumer’s privacy. You will be wasting your time to email to incorrect addresses or those who don’t want your materials. Never change the first part of a person’s email address even if the mail is undeliverable. However it is a good idea to look for misspellings in the email service provider name
such as Yahoo being Yaho or Hotmail being Hotmall.
Some businesses like to use an email marketing template. Don’t get too comfortable with a successful marketing campaign though! This is because customers become bored easily with the same format. You need to keep their interest by mixing things up a bit in future email marketing campaigns. Opt in email marketing software collects email addresses from your website. This is a great method that is simple for getting you a data base started. As your data base grows you can choose to send your future email marketing campaigns to everyone on the list or just a select target group based on their purchasing history.
You will need to design your email marketing campaign very well. It needs to be attractive to hold the attention of the consumer long enough for them to decide it is worth reading. You don’t want your efforts to be mistaken for common spam or junk mail right? Make sure all the content is spelled correctly. Keep the
text short and to the point. Readers who open your email may choose to delete it or save it to read later if it looks to lengthy. You want them to open it, be captivated, and read it. The first sentences need to identify your company and what you are offering. Place the important information first. Then reader is likely to keep reading. Give them a sense of urgency for responding by clearing stating the day the promotional offers expire.
Are you interested in using email marketing to enhance the traffic and sales of your website? It can be a confusing process if you don’t know where to start. You will need to establish your goals before you send the first email. What are you hoping to accomplish? Make sure these goals are clear and realistic. This will help you measure the success of the email marketing campaign. This is a great way to learn what works and what doesn’t for future email marketing campaigns. While your particular goals will vary, some common ones include increasing sales, getting more traffic to the website; improve awareness of about your company and what products or services you offer, and building a solid relationship with your customers.
As you start measuring the success of your email marketing campaign, make sure you are comparing the data only against your own information not that of the industry. For example did your sales increase by 10% and traffic to your site increase by 25% after your email marketing campaign rather than discovering the
rate that sales and traffic increased for the entire industry you are in.
Don’t be discouraged if your first email marketing campaign doesn’t do as well as you hoped, especially if you are a new business. It takes time to build trust with consumers. Make sure you use your original email address when you send out the emails. This will help it get past the spam filters.
Make sure you take the time to update your email listings. Remove any requests to opt out quickly and efficiently to respect the consumer’s privacy. You will be wasting your time to email to incorrect addresses or those who don’t want your materials. Never change the first part of a person’s email address even if the mail is undeliverable. However it is a good idea to look for misspellings in the email service provider name
such as Yahoo being Yaho or Hotmail being Hotmall.
Some businesses like to use an email marketing template. Don’t get too comfortable with a successful marketing campaign though! This is because customers become bored easily with the same format. You need to keep their interest by mixing things up a bit in future email marketing campaigns. Opt in email marketing software collects email addresses from your website. This is a great method that is simple for getting you a data base started. As your data base grows you can choose to send your future email marketing campaigns to everyone on the list or just a select target group based on their purchasing history.
You will need to design your email marketing campaign very well. It needs to be attractive to hold the attention of the consumer long enough for them to decide it is worth reading. You don’t want your efforts to be mistaken for common spam or junk mail right? Make sure all the content is spelled correctly. Keep the
text short and to the point. Readers who open your email may choose to delete it or save it to read later if it looks to lengthy. You want them to open it, be captivated, and read it. The first sentences need to identify your company and what you are offering. Place the important information first. Then reader is likely to keep reading. Give them a sense of urgency for responding by clearing stating the day the promotional offers expire.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Delivering Video Email
How To Deliver Video Email
Being able to send attachments together with an email message is very helpful especially when you need to send important documents. The limit on the file size you can attach depends on the limit that your email service provider imposes on your email account as well as the limitation on the email account storage
size that the recipient has. While it is now possible to send several MP3 files as email attachments because of the general increase in email account storage sizes, sending larger sized files like videos and movies may cause you to encounter problems unless you and the recipient have a paid email account which gives you several gigabytes of storage space.
In any event, sending video files through email may force you to compress and split the file into two portions in order for it to be accepted by the recipients email account. Then too, you will probably have to wait for the recipient to remove the first portion from their email account before you can send the next.
This is a problem for people involved in internet marketing as they know that videos are the most effective advertising tool in the world. Never let it be said that they have no creativity though, because, they managed to find a way around the system.
One way to circumvent this problem is to attach a capture image from the video file onto the email message. This capture image will serve as a preview of the video and embedded in the file will be a link to the video itself. Of course, you have to bear in mind that you are asking a person to view an advertisement. I wouldn’t do it, and most won’t either. You will need to give the customer an incentive to click on that link.
Webpage designing programs and utilities now allow for viewing multiple pictures in a single webpage. This picture cascade is similar to an automatic slide show presentation. You can capture several images from the video itself, compile them and send your message through.
If the customer does click on the image or slideshow, you have to options of how to let him view your video. The first one is already mentioned above. When the customer clicks the image, a new browser window opens and your video loads onto it. The second option is to use streaming video where, the video is stored in your storage device and the link on your email newsletter activates the video stream. In this manner, the
customer is not displaced from his/her current browser, thereby causing you to avoid annoying your customer.
A few years ago, we saw the megabyte standard hard drive replaced by the gigabyte hard drive. In 2 to 10 years, the terabyte may become the standard storage size for a personal computer’s hard drive. How big is it? One letter or character including spaces and punctuations is equal to 8 bits. 8 bits equals 1 byte, 1,000 bytes equals a kilobyte, 1,000 kilobytes equals 1 megabyte, and so on and so forth. With this potential
for increased storage capacity, email service providers may decide to increase account storage capacities again. This next increase will definitely accommodate an entire video file as an attachment to email messages.
In the meantime, creativity needs to take over where technology has deficiencies. To be able to send the best in quality video to your customers, you will need to go about it the most efficient way.
Being able to send attachments together with an email message is very helpful especially when you need to send important documents. The limit on the file size you can attach depends on the limit that your email service provider imposes on your email account as well as the limitation on the email account storage
size that the recipient has. While it is now possible to send several MP3 files as email attachments because of the general increase in email account storage sizes, sending larger sized files like videos and movies may cause you to encounter problems unless you and the recipient have a paid email account which gives you several gigabytes of storage space.
In any event, sending video files through email may force you to compress and split the file into two portions in order for it to be accepted by the recipients email account. Then too, you will probably have to wait for the recipient to remove the first portion from their email account before you can send the next.
This is a problem for people involved in internet marketing as they know that videos are the most effective advertising tool in the world. Never let it be said that they have no creativity though, because, they managed to find a way around the system.
One way to circumvent this problem is to attach a capture image from the video file onto the email message. This capture image will serve as a preview of the video and embedded in the file will be a link to the video itself. Of course, you have to bear in mind that you are asking a person to view an advertisement. I wouldn’t do it, and most won’t either. You will need to give the customer an incentive to click on that link.
Webpage designing programs and utilities now allow for viewing multiple pictures in a single webpage. This picture cascade is similar to an automatic slide show presentation. You can capture several images from the video itself, compile them and send your message through.
If the customer does click on the image or slideshow, you have to options of how to let him view your video. The first one is already mentioned above. When the customer clicks the image, a new browser window opens and your video loads onto it. The second option is to use streaming video where, the video is stored in your storage device and the link on your email newsletter activates the video stream. In this manner, the
customer is not displaced from his/her current browser, thereby causing you to avoid annoying your customer.
A few years ago, we saw the megabyte standard hard drive replaced by the gigabyte hard drive. In 2 to 10 years, the terabyte may become the standard storage size for a personal computer’s hard drive. How big is it? One letter or character including spaces and punctuations is equal to 8 bits. 8 bits equals 1 byte, 1,000 bytes equals a kilobyte, 1,000 kilobytes equals 1 megabyte, and so on and so forth. With this potential
for increased storage capacity, email service providers may decide to increase account storage capacities again. This next increase will definitely accommodate an entire video file as an attachment to email messages.
In the meantime, creativity needs to take over where technology has deficiencies. To be able to send the best in quality video to your customers, you will need to go about it the most efficient way.
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